The Resistance has called on the people to retreat
by : Sandra Fuentes, corresponsal en Honduras

22 Sep 2009 | The Resistance has called on the people to retreat and sets as a meeting place the Sindicato del Magisterio for those who are fleeing the police throughout the city.

The Resistance has called on the people to retreat and sets as a meeting place the Sindicato del Magisterio for those who are fleeing the police throughout the city.

It calls on those who have taken shelter to stay there, and it asks those who are moving from the interior of the country to Tegucigalpa, to halt their journey until tomorrow. It is calling together the entire Resistance to gather at 8 a.m. in the Universidad Pedagógica tomorrow.

For its part, Brazil has just announced that it will not tolerate actions against its Embassy for offering refuge to Zelaya, and it is considering calling a meeting of the UN Security Council to speak about the safety of its diplomatic headquarters and its officials.

Micheletti has just spoken on the national network, saying that the disposition of the US government does not interest him, that the population of that country should understand that "the gringos are friends beyond the government’s disposition," that whom he [Micheletti] is confronting is not just resistance, that it is a foreign communist subversion that is trying to put an end to the internal regime, and that it will be fought as such.

An hour ago, he stated that they would not violate the Brazilian headquarters, but now he has announced that in the coming hours he will enter the Embassy and again call on Zelaya to surrender himself if he does not want to continue rousing the people, with the repercussions of that.

The Resistance has called, by radio, for the people to put up barricades in the neighborhoods to prevent the army from entering, but these statements go outside of the retreat that the leadership has declared.


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