No more repression! No negotiations!
by : Sandra Fuentes, corresponsal en Honduras

23 Sep 2009 |

The US State Department is appealing to the parties to halt all confrontations, in order to emphasize the call for a dialogue, urging both parties to sign the San José agreement, and respect for the Brazilian Embassy and for the Vienna Convention is being requested.

However, people here are saying that during the night the attack will be strengthened with gas, to force everyone to leave from there, just as they have done all day.

Several times, five UN vehicles have entered the Embassy of Brazil, carrying provisions and taking out part of the 400 people that were there.

The local branch of the Comité de Familiares de Detenidos y Desaparecidos de Honduras has sheltered dozens of demonstrators, and the military police have shot gas, in order to force people to leave from there.

Shots can be heard intermittently around where I am taking refuge, since there are intense confrontations in the neighborhoods nearby, and it is said in the media that there is an enormous shortage of food in many cities of the country. There is a warning about looting of the supermarkets, and they are calling on the government to lift the curfew.

The main pro-coup district attorneys are meeting right now in the Supreme Court of Justice, discussing an emerging plan, in view of the situation.

If the extension of the curfew is announced tomorrow at 6 a.m., it would mark 48 hours of large-scale repression and confrontations.


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