Celeste Murillo

  • US: Being black and young continues to be a crime

    15.08.2014 After 4 days of protests, dozens of arrests and two people wounded by the police (one of them in critical condition), anger continues on the streets of Ferguson, a small place in the state of Missouri. "No justice, no peace," "Hands up, don't shoot," "Where is Mike? Everywhere!" are some of the slogans of the mobilizations and protests unleashed by the murder of Mike Brown. On Saturday, August 9, in the city of Ferguson (Missouri, US), a cop murdered the African American teenager Mike Brown, 18 years old. The police stated at the beginning that Brown had attacked the police officer, but all the witnesses claim that the young man was unarmed, and they shot him when he had his hands in the air (an obvious sign to show that one is unarmed). Mike had recently finished high school and was getting ready to enter university the following Monday.

  • US Local Elections

    Victory of the Left in Seattle

    29.11.2013 The elections in several states that took place in the US at the beginning of November expressed what several media described as a "turn to the left" in the center of US politics.

  • French and British flags in Benghazi

    Sarkozy and Cameron reaffirm the imperialist plan for Libya

    27.09.2011 Since last week, the picture of French President Nicolas Sarkozy and British Prime Minister David Cameron in Benghazi, next to the leaders of the Libyan National Transitional Council (NTC), has been going around the world.

  • US

    Obama’s defeat in the mid-term elections [Part 1 of 2]

    08.11.2010 The big Republican victory shows a big political setback for Barack Obama's administration, rather than the strength of the Republicans. The White House was expecting the "backlash" from the population, that is suffering the consequences of the biggest economic crisis since the 1930 recession.

  • United States: New threats against immigrants

    Soldiers and racists are patrolling the border

    27.07.2010 The White House is responding to Governor Jan Brewer's law and to the intensification of activity by racist and xenophobic groups with ... an unenthusiastic lawsuit. This is how Obama plans to confront a law that social, political and human rights organizations are already condemning as the institutionalization of racism!

  • Against hunger wages

    Strike and workers’ mobilization in Bangladesh

    03.07.2010 On June 21, in Bangladesh, more than 50,000 working men and women mobilized on the outskirts of Dhaka, the capital. This mobilization, which blocked one of the main highways that connect the capital to the northern part of the country, was the culmination of two weeks of protests, strikes and street actions in the main industrial districts.

  • Latin America

    Peru: Alan García represses the miners

    15.04.2010 At least five dead is the toll left by the repression ordered by Peruvian President Alan García against the miners that were blockading the roads in southern Peru. The strike by the so-called artisanal miners began on April 5, was called against Emergency Decree which declares artisanal mining in the southern region of Peru illegal, in order to classify it as "formal mining."

  • Europe

    Italy: New workers’ responses

    17.02.2010 The announcement of the closure (temporary, in principle) of two plants in Italy belonging to the US aluminum company Alcoa ignited the protest by Alcoa workers while unemployment, especially affecting young people, is growing in Europe.

  • Europe

    General strike in Greece

    13.02.2010 Offices, schools, universities, and public hospitals were brought to a standstill by a general strike on February 10. This strike, called by the main public-sector workers' union ADEDI, confronts the austerity package of the government of the "socialist" Giorgios Papandreou.

  • U.S.

    A new escalation in Afghanistan

    10.12.2009 In his speech on Tuesday, December 1, in front of the West Point military academy cadets, President Barack Obama confirmed the sending of 30,000 more soldiers to Afghanistan.

  • United States

    The autoworkers say NO to Ford

    07.11.2009 Autoworkers organized in the UAW (United Auto Workers) rejected a proposal from the union to make new concessions to benefit the company.

  • US: Barack Obama becomes President:

    "New era" or imperialist continuity?

    14.02.2009 Amidst great expectations in the United States and overseas, on Tuesday, January 20, Barack Obama took the oath as the 44th President...

  • US

    Workers and the Crisis

    06.06.2008 Hurricane Katrina, which destroyed New Orleans in 2006, revealed a society where millions of poor people are marginalized, among whom African-Americans and Latinos are a disproportionate majority...

  • United States

    New attacks against the immigrants

    29.09.2007 In a context of uneasiness maintained with the foreign policy of George W. Bush's government and increasing worries because of the fall of the real estate market and the financial crisis, millions of immigrants in the US live and work in a virtual state of siege...

    .. ( 21 )


  • PTS (Argentina)

  • MTS (México)

  • LTS (Venezuela)

  • CCR NPA (Francia)

  • Clase contra Clase (Estado Español)

  • MRT (Brasil)

  • LOR-CI (Bolivia) Bolivia Liga Obrera Revolucionaria - Cuarta Internacional Palabra Obrera Abril-Mayo Año 2014 

Ante la entrega de nuestros sindicatos al gobierno

1° de Mayo

Reagrupar y defender la independencia política de los trabajadores Abril-Mayo de 2014 Por derecha y por izquierda

La proimperialista Ley Minera del MAS en la picota

    LOR-CI (Bolivia)

  • PTR (Chile) chile Partido de Trabajadores Revolucionarios Clase contra Clase 

En las recientes elecciones presidenciales, Bachelet alcanzó el 47% de los votos, y Matthei el 25%: deberán pasar a segunda vuelta. La participación electoral fue de solo el 50%. La votación de Bachelet, representa apenas el 22% del total de votantes. 

¿Pero se podrá avanzar en las reformas (cosméticas) anunciadas en su programa? Y en caso de poder hacerlo, ¿serán tales como se esperan en “la calle”? Editorial El Gobierno, el Parlamento y la calle

    PTR (Chile)

  • RIO (Alemania) RIO (Alemania) Revolutionäre Internationalistische Organisation Klasse gegen Klasse 

Nieder mit der EU des Kapitals!

Die Europäische Union präsentiert sich als Vereinigung Europas. Doch diese imperialistische Allianz hilft dem deutschen Kapital, andere Teile Europas und der Welt zu unterwerfen. MarxistInnen kämpfen für die Vereinigten Sozialistischen Staaten von Europa! 

Widerstand im Spanischen Staat 

Am 15. Mai 2011 begannen Jugendliche im Spanischen Staat, öffentliche Plätze zu besetzen. Drei Jahre später, am 22. März 2014, demonstrierten Hunderttausende in Madrid. Was hat sich in diesen drei Jahren verändert? Editorial Nieder mit der EU des Kapitals!

    RIO (Alemania)

  • Liga de la Revolución Socialista (LRS - Costa Rica) Costa Rica LRS En Clave Revolucionaria Noviembre Año 2013 N° 25 

Los cuatro años de gobierno de Laura Chinchilla han estado marcados por la retórica “nacionalista” en relación a Nicaragua: en la primera parte de su mandato prácticamente todo su “plan de gobierno” se centró en la “defensa” de la llamada Isla Calero, para posteriormente, en la etapa final de su administración, centrar su discurso en la “defensa” del conjunto de la provincia de Guanacaste que reclama el gobierno de Daniel Ortega como propia. Solo los abundantes escándalos de corrupción, relacionados con la Autopista San José-Caldera, los casos de ministros que no pagaban impuestos, así como el robo a mansalva durante los trabajos de construcción de la Trocha Fronteriza 1856 le pusieron límite a la retórica del equipo de gobierno, que claramente apostó a rivalizar con el vecino país del norte para encubrir sus negocios al amparo del Estado. martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013 Chovinismo y militarismo en Costa Rica bajo el paraguas del conflicto fronterizo con Nicaragua

    Liga de la Revolución Socialista (LRS - Costa Rica)

  • Grupo de la FT-CI (Uruguay) Uruguay Grupo de la FT-CI Estrategia Revolucionaria 

El año que termina estuvo signado por la mayor conflictividad laboral en más de 15 años. Si bien finalmente la mayoría de los grupos en la negociación salarial parecen llegar a un acuerdo (aún falta cerrar metalúrgicos y otros menos importantes), los mismos son un buen final para el gobierno, ya que, gracias a sus maniobras (y las de la burocracia sindical) pudieron encausar la discusión dentro de los marcos del tope salarial estipulado por el Poder Ejecutivo, utilizando la movilización controlada en los marcos salariales como factor de presión ante las patronales más duras que pujaban por el “0%” de aumento. Entre la lucha de clases, la represión, y las discusiones de los de arriba Construyamos una alternativa revolucionaria para los trabajadores y la juventud

    Grupo de la FT-CI (Uruguay)