PTS, Argentina

  • Letter from the Youth of the PTS to the Youth of Baltimore

    01.05.2015 We, the Youth of the Partido de los Trabajadores Socialistas (Socialist Workers’ Party) in Argentina, raise our voices with you, the youth in the streets of Baltimore, just we have with youth of Ferguson and many other cities across the U.S. We stand in solidarity with all the young people fighting against the brutality of the cops that is killing black people in US, and which is practiced against youth throughout the world.

  • Argentina: Nicolás del Caño, “A strong strike, despite the trade union bureaucrats”

    31.03.2015 national deputy from PTS and Left and Workers’ Front Nicolás del Caño joined militant trade unionists and workers at Panamericana highway, in front of Lear Corporation. National deputy del Caño spoke to La Izquierda Diario. He said, “The strength of the strike is evident. Workers have many reasons to walkout today, not only workers’ income tax but also the fact that half of the working class in Argentina gets less than 5,500 pesos (near 600 USD) a month. Also poor work conditions, which affect in the first place young workers, production pace, within many other serious problems for workers.”

  • Major Workers Conference in the North of Greater Buenos Aires

    20.08.2014 On Saturday, August 16 in the Garin neighborhood in the North of Greater Buenos Aires, the Conference of Workers in Struggle was held. The event brought together the most combative sectors of the workers’ movement in Argentina. Along the Pan-American highway, across from the gates to the Donnelley printing plant, now under worker control, the shouts could be heard of “Families left in the streets, no more!” This conference takes place amidst increasing dismissals and layoffs, while at the same time, the government and the union bureaucracy have stepped up attacks against the Left and the most advanced workers. After a lineup of dozens of speakers, the workers voted on several important resolutions. Representatives from Lear, Donnelley, and EmFer led the conference, which despite being organized in only a few days, brought together 3,000 comrades. Among the speakers were representatives from many of the most important workers struggles today along with leaders of the Left and many historic workers’ movements.

  • Press release

    Argentina: Victoria Moyano Artigas, daughter of the disappeared, violently arrested

    08.08.2014 Today a new (the fifth) National Day of Action took place for the reinstatement of all the workers laid off by Lear. During a peaceful car caravan along the “Panamericana” Highway, the Gendarmerie stopped a car, broke the windows, threw pepper spray inside and violently arrested the people inside. The detainees are: (1) Victoria Moyano Artigas, daughter of the disappeared*, (2) Guillo Pistonesi, member of the CeProDh (Center of Professionals for the Human Rights), Patricio Del Corro, Buenos Aires City elected Legislator for the Left Front, and (4) María Chaves, teacher at the Buenos Aires University (UBA), researcher and women´s rights activist.

  • Lear: SMATA union thugs and police beat up the workers

    29.07.2014 Gral. Pacheco, 7/29) Today at 8:30 AM the police beat up LEAR Corporation’s workers, who are fighting against 200 layoffs and dismissals. They also face the company’s illegal policy of not allowing the delegates entering the factory, even though the court ordered five times already the workers’ representative should be reinstated. The Buenos Aires Police (commanded by Gov. Daniel Scioli) protect Smata union thugs and so called “workers” so they can ENTER the Lear’s plant. Rank-and-file delegate Silvio Fanti was arrested, together with other workers and members of organizations, who support workers’ struggle

  • Lear struggle escalates with new dismissals

    17.07.2014 Wednesday morning, when the national day of action by Lear workers was starting and rallies and demonstrations were taking place all over the country, the company didn´t let four workers enter the factory.

  • LEAR: 07/16 , National Day of Action with rallies and demonstrations

    16.07.2014 Lear workers will carry out a National Day of Action with rallies and demonstrations on Wednesday July 16th. At 5 am a rally will be held at the factory gates at Pacheco (an industrial district in northern Buenos Aires); later they will hold a demonstration in front of Ministry of Labor’s Office in Buenos Aires city.

  • With repression they won´t stop the outcry against layoffs

    Workers of Lear Argentina block streets in Buenos Aires against layoffs and for the freedom of those arrested

    08.07.2014 Workers of the auto-part plant Lear in Argentina undertake a roadblock at a central location in Buenos Aires (Corrientes with Callao) as a capstone of the day of action for the reinstatement of the laid-off and furloughed workers, and for the freedom of those arrested during the brutal crackdown led by the Gendarmerie earlier this morning, in a bloackade at the "Panamericana" road. Among those hurt by these repression there is Victoria Moayno, recovered granddaughter*, and the lawyer Charly Platkowski, president of the Buenos Aires branch of the "Center of Professionals for Human Rights" (CEPRODH).

  • PETITION in solidarity with Lear argentinean workers

    07.07.2014 We condemn the dismissals, layoffs and attacks on Lear delegates! At the end of May, the multinational Lear Corporation laid off 330 workers from its Pacheco plant in Buenos Aires Province for an indefinite period, without even initiating the bankruptcy proceedings as required by law. The workers refused to accept the situation and organized assemblies and road blockades. As a result, the Minister of Labor issued a ruling confirming that the suspensions were illegal. At the end of May, the multinational Lear Corporation laid off 330 workers from its Pacheco plant in Buenos Aires Province for an indefinite period, without even initiating the bankruptcy proceedings as required by law. The workers refused to accept the situation and organized assemblies and road blockades. As a result, the Minister of Labor issued a ruling confirming that the suspensions were illegal.


    National and provincial deputies demand an emergency meeting with the US embassy

    04.07.2014 National and provincial senators and deputies from various parties formally requested a meeting with the US ambassador in Argentina Kevin Sullivan. They want to discuss the serious situation affecting the employees of the North American multinational companies Lear and Donelley.

  • ARGENTINA: PRESS RELEASE FROM LEAR WORKERS. Mass firings and layoffs in the automotive industry

    03.07.2014 Despite the Argentine government’s announcement that they are reactivating a line of credit to the automotive industry, last Friday saw massive firings at the auto parts manufacturer Lear, in Pacheco. Meanwhile, a third of the plant’s workers were laid off, with the additional problem that for a period of 30 days starting last week, the laid-off workers will not receive any type of remuneration.

  • Argentina: XIVth Congress of the PTS

    24.06.2014 The PTS resolves to publish a daily newspaper and votes candidates for the next presidential election. A daily digital multimedia newspaper, an official shortlisted Presidential candidates, a campaign for the non-payment of the external debt and a call for a referendum to decide on the latter were amidst the resolutions voted by the XVIth PTS Congress, held in Buenos Aires on 20-22 June, 2014.

  • Brazil: For a strong campaign against the layoffs in the São Paulo subway

    12.06.2014 After the end of the five-day strike of the São Paulo subway workers, from La Verdad Obrera we interviewed Marília Rocha, an activist of the great strike and a militant of the LER-QI (a fraternal group of the PTS) and one the 42 workers laid off by the company with support from the Governor of São Paulo, Geraldo Alckmin.


  • PTS (Argentina)

  • MTS (México)

  • LTS (Venezuela)

  • CCR NPA (Francia)

  • Clase contra Clase (Estado Español)

  • MRT (Brasil)

  • LOR-CI (Bolivia) Bolivia Liga Obrera Revolucionaria - Cuarta Internacional Palabra Obrera Abril-Mayo Año 2014 

Ante la entrega de nuestros sindicatos al gobierno

1° de Mayo

Reagrupar y defender la independencia política de los trabajadores Abril-Mayo de 2014 Por derecha y por izquierda

La proimperialista Ley Minera del MAS en la picota

    LOR-CI (Bolivia)

  • PTR (Chile) chile Partido de Trabajadores Revolucionarios Clase contra Clase 

En las recientes elecciones presidenciales, Bachelet alcanzó el 47% de los votos, y Matthei el 25%: deberán pasar a segunda vuelta. La participación electoral fue de solo el 50%. La votación de Bachelet, representa apenas el 22% del total de votantes. 

¿Pero se podrá avanzar en las reformas (cosméticas) anunciadas en su programa? Y en caso de poder hacerlo, ¿serán tales como se esperan en “la calle”? Editorial El Gobierno, el Parlamento y la calle

    PTR (Chile)

  • RIO (Alemania) RIO (Alemania) Revolutionäre Internationalistische Organisation Klasse gegen Klasse 

Nieder mit der EU des Kapitals!

Die Europäische Union präsentiert sich als Vereinigung Europas. Doch diese imperialistische Allianz hilft dem deutschen Kapital, andere Teile Europas und der Welt zu unterwerfen. MarxistInnen kämpfen für die Vereinigten Sozialistischen Staaten von Europa! 

Widerstand im Spanischen Staat 

Am 15. Mai 2011 begannen Jugendliche im Spanischen Staat, öffentliche Plätze zu besetzen. Drei Jahre später, am 22. März 2014, demonstrierten Hunderttausende in Madrid. Was hat sich in diesen drei Jahren verändert? Editorial Nieder mit der EU des Kapitals!

    RIO (Alemania)

  • Liga de la Revolución Socialista (LRS - Costa Rica) Costa Rica LRS En Clave Revolucionaria Noviembre Año 2013 N° 25 

Los cuatro años de gobierno de Laura Chinchilla han estado marcados por la retórica “nacionalista” en relación a Nicaragua: en la primera parte de su mandato prácticamente todo su “plan de gobierno” se centró en la “defensa” de la llamada Isla Calero, para posteriormente, en la etapa final de su administración, centrar su discurso en la “defensa” del conjunto de la provincia de Guanacaste que reclama el gobierno de Daniel Ortega como propia. Solo los abundantes escándalos de corrupción, relacionados con la Autopista San José-Caldera, los casos de ministros que no pagaban impuestos, así como el robo a mansalva durante los trabajos de construcción de la Trocha Fronteriza 1856 le pusieron límite a la retórica del equipo de gobierno, que claramente apostó a rivalizar con el vecino país del norte para encubrir sus negocios al amparo del Estado. martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013 Chovinismo y militarismo en Costa Rica bajo el paraguas del conflicto fronterizo con Nicaragua

    Liga de la Revolución Socialista (LRS - Costa Rica)

  • Grupo de la FT-CI (Uruguay) Uruguay Grupo de la FT-CI Estrategia Revolucionaria 

El año que termina estuvo signado por la mayor conflictividad laboral en más de 15 años. Si bien finalmente la mayoría de los grupos en la negociación salarial parecen llegar a un acuerdo (aún falta cerrar metalúrgicos y otros menos importantes), los mismos son un buen final para el gobierno, ya que, gracias a sus maniobras (y las de la burocracia sindical) pudieron encausar la discusión dentro de los marcos del tope salarial estipulado por el Poder Ejecutivo, utilizando la movilización controlada en los marcos salariales como factor de presión ante las patronales más duras que pujaban por el “0%” de aumento. Entre la lucha de clases, la represión, y las discusiones de los de arriba Construyamos una alternativa revolucionaria para los trabajadores y la juventud

    Grupo de la FT-CI (Uruguay)