Diego Dalai

  • The attacks in Jerusalem

    The Zionist government wants to crush Palestinian protest

    02.12.2014 Last Tuesday, November 18, two Palestinians armed with a knife and a pistol entered a Jerusalem synagogue during morning prayers and killed 4 Israeli Jews, while 5 others were wounded. The Israeli police quickly took over the place and killed the two attackers.

  • They are bombing Gaza again

    20.08.2014 After 10 days of a truce during which no agreement for a ceasefire was reached, the State of Israel again bombed the Gaza Strip from Tuesday, August 19. Taking as an excuse the launching by Hamas of 3 missiles that fell on Israeli territory without causing victims or material damages, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Zionist government ordered the resumption of the military offensive. More than 80 aerial attacks were carried out, with a toll of almost 30 Palestinians dead and dozens of wounded. The main target of the Zionist army was the chief of the military wing of Hamas, Mohamed Deif, who directs the al-Qassam Brigades. For this, the Zionist army launched five missiles on his home, killing his wife and eight-month old son. The fate of Deif, who was living in hiding, is still unknown.

  • A Truce and an Israeli Withdrawal from the Gaza Strip

    07.08.2014 "Mission accomplished," said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, after announcing the withdrawal of Israeli troops from the Gaza Strip. It was almost 30 days of a military offensive that left a toll of 1900 dead, more than half, civilians, among whom are numbered more than 400 children, and 9,500 wounded (of whom, 2,500 are children), more than 10,000 dwellings destroyed, as well as basic infrastructure, like the only electrical power station, schools, hospitals (30% of which had to close because of the damages they experienced) and mosques.

  • Ukraine: The civil war and the geopolitical disputes are continuing.

    The consequences of the shooting down of the Malaysia Airlines airplane

    29.07.2014 The shooting down of the Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 airplane, that caused the death of its 298 passengers, while it was flying over the eastern area of the Ukraine, has touched world public opinion and caused a jump in the political crisis that this East European country has been going through for more than seven months, and that has big geopolitical implications as one of the fronts of the disputes between the imperialist powers (the US and the EU) and Russia.

  • Military Offensive against Gaza:They want a truce to force the Palestinians to submit

    25.07.2014 The number of those dead and wounded because of the bombings and the military land offensive of the State of Israel continues to increase significantly. There are no words to describe the atrocities that the Zionist Army is committing; they have bombed hospitals, schools, mosques and even a group of children that were playing on a beach. They have already murdered more than 700 Palestinians; they have wounded another 4,000, and there are tens of thousands of refugees. 70% of the dead are civilians and more than 20%, children. After 16 days of massive bombing and 6 days of an invasion by land, Israel has caused a huge humanitarian crisis, and its Prime Minister, the Zionist Benjamin Netanyahu, has declared, with complete impunity, that the operation "will continue until it achieves all the objectives".

  • Stop the military offensive in the Gaza Strip

    13.07.2014 From the early morning of Monday, July 7, the State of Israel launched a military offensive called "Protective Edge" on the Gaza Strip, consisting of the massive bombing of this densely populated Palestinian territory and threatening a ground attack.

  • Two years after the US withdrawal. A new civil war breaks out in Iraq

    19.06.2014 In Iraq, civil war has again broken out between Sunnis and Shiites, the two big groups into which the Muslim world is divided. After several days of bloody fighting, there are now hundreds of dead and wounded and tens of thousands displaced. The northern part of the country has been under the control of the Sunni insurgents, that are showing signs of great cruelty and savagery, in order to terrorize the population. The Iraqi army, trained for years by the US, has seemed totally powerless to stop the militias of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), that already controls key cities like Mosul, the second-largest city of Iraq,Tikrit, Kirkuk, as well as the area of Tel Afar, bordering Syria.

  • Cuba: They are moving forward in restoring capitalism

    09.04.2014 The National Assembly has approved the new Law on Foreign Investments With talk about "keeping" the country's economy "going," defending "national sovereignty," that "we will never return to the past," and that the economic system of "socialist Cuba" will continue to be based on "ownership by all the people," Castro's bureaucracy has taken a serious step forward on the road of restoring capitalism.

  • Worldwide scandal, because of US mega-espionage

    09.11.2013 The Obama administration constantly adds problems and contradictions, domestically and internationally. The government's paralysis, for lack of a budget, that lasted for 17 days and kept the country (and the world) waiting, facing the risk that the main power on the planet would go into default, followed the blow that not being able to carry out his threats to intervene in Syria militarily, after its use of chemical weapons, and having to accept the Russian plan of negotiation with Al Assad, signified. Now, without a break, a great quantity of data about the massive espionage that the US carries out, not against countries that "promote terrorism," but against its own "friendly" great powers, like Germany, France, Spain and Italy, has again come to light.

  • Between the threat of intervention and the weaknesses of the imperialists

    Obama takes the plan of attack on Syria to Congress

    08.09.2013 After Obama had established the use of chemical weapons as a "red line" for a military intervention in Syria, and after the August 21 attack, with what, it is presumed, would be that type of weaponry in a neighborhood on the outskirts of Damascus with hundreds of dead...

  • Workers with job uncertainty go out to fight for their rights

    US: A strike in the big fast food chains

    08.08.2013 On Monday, July 29, the workers of the big fast food chains went out on strike, to demand a wage increase and labor and union rights.

  • Bergoglio was elected Pope

    The crisis of the Catholic Church

    15.03.2013 The Conclave (a closed meeting, from the Latin for “with a key”) of 115 Cardinals, that has just voted for a new Pope, was much quicker than was estimated and, surprisingly, elected Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, from Argentina, from now on, Francis I.

  • Polemic with the PSTU-LIT

    Cuba: Political revolution or "democratic revolution"?

    29.09.2010 The media stir around Fidel Castro's statement that "The Cuban model doesn't even work for us any more", an obvious gesture of support for his brother Raúl's policies of "updating the model" and the subsequent denial of that statement, is an expression of the fact that Cuba is immersed in a dynamic political process, caused by the difficult economic situation and the pro-market and fiscal belt-tightening measures, like the firing of 500,000 government workers.

  • Cuba: The statements of Silvio Rodríguez

    Can the Cuban bureaucracy reform itself?

    09.04.2010 Silvio Rodríguez is a member of the Communist Party of Cuba [PCC] and, up until a few years ago, a Deputy in the National Assembly. His statements show that the Castro regime is going through a big crisis. His questioning of the impossibility of "criticizing, expressing an opinion, discussing" shows the exhaustion of the single-party regime as a method of control.

  • Cuba

    Raúl Castro announces measures "not pleasant" to the Cuban people

    01.09.2009 On July 27, at the mass rally commemorating the 56th anniversary of the attack on the Moncada barracks, Raúl Castro announced that the Cuban government will implement a new "unavoidable adjustment" of the economy, the second adjustment of public expenditures this year.

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  • PTS (Argentina)

  • MTS (México)

  • LTS (Venezuela)

  • CCR NPA (Francia)

  • Clase contra Clase (Estado Español)

  • MRT (Brasil)

  • LOR-CI (Bolivia) Bolivia Liga Obrera Revolucionaria - Cuarta Internacional Palabra Obrera Abril-Mayo Año 2014 

Ante la entrega de nuestros sindicatos al gobierno

1° de Mayo

Reagrupar y defender la independencia política de los trabajadores Abril-Mayo de 2014 Por derecha y por izquierda

La proimperialista Ley Minera del MAS en la picota

    LOR-CI (Bolivia)

  • PTR (Chile) chile Partido de Trabajadores Revolucionarios Clase contra Clase 

En las recientes elecciones presidenciales, Bachelet alcanzó el 47% de los votos, y Matthei el 25%: deberán pasar a segunda vuelta. La participación electoral fue de solo el 50%. La votación de Bachelet, representa apenas el 22% del total de votantes. 

¿Pero se podrá avanzar en las reformas (cosméticas) anunciadas en su programa? Y en caso de poder hacerlo, ¿serán tales como se esperan en “la calle”? Editorial El Gobierno, el Parlamento y la calle

    PTR (Chile)

  • RIO (Alemania) RIO (Alemania) Revolutionäre Internationalistische Organisation Klasse gegen Klasse 

Nieder mit der EU des Kapitals!

Die Europäische Union präsentiert sich als Vereinigung Europas. Doch diese imperialistische Allianz hilft dem deutschen Kapital, andere Teile Europas und der Welt zu unterwerfen. MarxistInnen kämpfen für die Vereinigten Sozialistischen Staaten von Europa! 

Widerstand im Spanischen Staat 

Am 15. Mai 2011 begannen Jugendliche im Spanischen Staat, öffentliche Plätze zu besetzen. Drei Jahre später, am 22. März 2014, demonstrierten Hunderttausende in Madrid. Was hat sich in diesen drei Jahren verändert? Editorial Nieder mit der EU des Kapitals!

    RIO (Alemania)

  • Liga de la Revolución Socialista (LRS - Costa Rica) Costa Rica LRS En Clave Revolucionaria Noviembre Año 2013 N° 25 

Los cuatro años de gobierno de Laura Chinchilla han estado marcados por la retórica “nacionalista” en relación a Nicaragua: en la primera parte de su mandato prácticamente todo su “plan de gobierno” se centró en la “defensa” de la llamada Isla Calero, para posteriormente, en la etapa final de su administración, centrar su discurso en la “defensa” del conjunto de la provincia de Guanacaste que reclama el gobierno de Daniel Ortega como propia. Solo los abundantes escándalos de corrupción, relacionados con la Autopista San José-Caldera, los casos de ministros que no pagaban impuestos, así como el robo a mansalva durante los trabajos de construcción de la Trocha Fronteriza 1856 le pusieron límite a la retórica del equipo de gobierno, que claramente apostó a rivalizar con el vecino país del norte para encubrir sus negocios al amparo del Estado. martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013 Chovinismo y militarismo en Costa Rica bajo el paraguas del conflicto fronterizo con Nicaragua

    Liga de la Revolución Socialista (LRS - Costa Rica)

  • Grupo de la FT-CI (Uruguay) Uruguay Grupo de la FT-CI Estrategia Revolucionaria 

El año que termina estuvo signado por la mayor conflictividad laboral en más de 15 años. Si bien finalmente la mayoría de los grupos en la negociación salarial parecen llegar a un acuerdo (aún falta cerrar metalúrgicos y otros menos importantes), los mismos son un buen final para el gobierno, ya que, gracias a sus maniobras (y las de la burocracia sindical) pudieron encausar la discusión dentro de los marcos del tope salarial estipulado por el Poder Ejecutivo, utilizando la movilización controlada en los marcos salariales como factor de presión ante las patronales más duras que pujaban por el “0%” de aumento. Entre la lucha de clases, la represión, y las discusiones de los de arriba Construyamos una alternativa revolucionaria para los trabajadores y la juventud

    Grupo de la FT-CI (Uruguay)